The Kulshan College Google Calendar is viewable by the public. The Tao Fawu Monastery Calendar is private, open only to those who participate in the monastic community, or by request.
At this time, we are not offering labs, clinics, or appointments. Our focus is currently on learning through daily life, spiritual practice, Monastic Sign Language study, and chores in a rural environment.
* When available, all lab and Veterans Clinic appointments are free for clients and all other clinic appointments are $20. Cost for students is determined by number of students present.
Our board of directors continues to meet monthly. We seek to add new board members who bring diverse viewpoints to our mission.
Class Locations:
TFW: Tao Fawu Monastery and Kulshan College home base, Sumas Mountain, Washington
ONL: Online, available globally.
BHM: Kulshan College, Bellingham, Washington
A Request:
Please do not wear perfume, cologne,or other strong scents to any of our facilities, or to any class, lab, or event. We choose to be inclusive of sensitive people. We are also working hard to be inclusive of deaf people by learning American Sign Language. We honor silence as a spiritual and monastic tradition. Deaf people, come sign with us! We want to know you!
Class Descriptions:
- Monastic Sign Language
- Introduction to Tao Fawu Qigong
- Kulshan Youth Education Project (KYEP)
- Tao Fawu Qigong Practice Sessions
- Intro to Meditation
- Meditation
- Advanced Meditation
- Tao Fawu Medical Qigong Class
- Tao Fawu Medical Qigong Lab
- Kulshan College Retreat
- Intro to Tao Fawu Shengong
- Shengong: Developing Emotional Skill
- Shengong: Developing Communication Skills
- Shengong: Psychic Self Defense
- Shengong: Cultivating Mindfulness
- Shengong: Skillful Relationships
- Shengong: Mysticism Technology & Tradition
- Intuitive Diagnosis Lab
- Dual Lab
- Allergy Clinic
- Brain Clinic
- Veterans Clinic
- Field Trips
- Marrow, Brains, Bones & Joints
- Basic Chinese Medical Techniques
- Introduction to the I Ching
- I Ching One Year Intensive
- Introduction to The Art of War
- The Art of War One Year Intensive